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Ref: 2318624
Industrial / Logistic To Let


Available space :
1955.00 sq.m
From :
43.00 sq.m
Adrien PACCO
Contact me
Industrial / Logistic To Let 2318624
- 5080 Rhisnes
Adrien PACCO
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Efficiënte energieprestaties, een lage milieu-impact en optimaal werkcomfort! The business park is strategically located in the heart of the Business Village Ecolys in Rhisnes, in close proximity to the interchange between the N4 and E42 motorways. Ecolys Village is easily accessible from a roundabout on the N4. An ideal location to start and develop your business in peace and quiet. The ECOLYS Green Business Park enjoys a privileged location, on the important N4 near the E42 “Namur West” exit and near the E411 interchange. A strategic and forward-looking location at the crossroads of the major Northern European capitals (Brussels, Paris, London, Amsterdam).
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Surface details

Floor Available space Nature
0 268.00 sq.m Industrial
0 168.00 sq.m Industrial
0 78.00 sq.m Consult us
0 228.00 sq.m Industrial
0 43.00 sq.m Consult us
0 102.00 sq.m Consult us
Nature Available space
Global 1955.00 sq.m
Min. 43.00 sq.m
Reference Floor 168.00 sq.m
Industrial 1576.00 sq.m

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