Our latest press releases

IPF Fund Reim

The EIPF fund managed by BNPP REIM continues to embrace sustainability and diversification

The European Impact Property Fund (EIPF) has seen inflows of almost € 378m from European institutional investors and has acquired 10 assets in Europe since its inception in 2020. As per the requirements of article 9 of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, the EIPF has demanding environmental targets. It is also seeking to diversify and continues to acquire assets in Europe.

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Investment in European retail fell 40% in 2023 vs 2022, to € 26.2bn. Yet investor interest in retail assets is slowly gaining more traction in terms of investment market share (20% in Q4 23 vs 16% in Q4 22). “This level has not been seen for five years (20% in 2018). As a result, retail was the second least affected sector after hotels”, says Patrick Delcol, Head of European Retail at BNP Paribas Real Estate.

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The slowdown in rental activity seen from late 2022 in some European markets then spread and was confirmed in 2023. This was due to the uncertain economic and geopolitical context and structural changes in the way offices are used. All told, take-up for the year came to 7.6 million sqm across the 17 main European markets*, down 19% vs 2022. This was 16% lower than the long-term average.

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Property Management

BNP Paribas Real Estate undisputed leader in the Property Management segment in Belgium

For many years, BNPPRE BELGIUM has been supporting major socio-economic changes to offer increasingly innovative property management, focused on UX and closely aligned with the expectations of investors and institutions who wish to enhance their assets. In 2023, and thanks to its comprehensive range of services for owners and users of tertiary and residential buildings, the group is strengthening its position as the leader in the sector with 3,813,953 m2 under management.

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